
Our developers love sharing their knowledge usually acquired from issues they had to face and solve. We share this knowledge, hoping to help anyone who faces the same or similar issues.

by Jitesh Doshi || March 28th, 2015 MySQL, as it comes out of the box on most Linux distributions, is reasonably optimized. But there are a few things you might have to tweak to get the most out of it. Here are my tweaks for Drupal, and most other applications that use MySQL. Don't edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf Nowadays...
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by Christian Crawford || January 12th, 2015 As you can guess from the name Jython is an amalgamation of the Python and Java programming languages. It is one of three implementations of the Python language, the other two being CPython and IronPython (.Net). Jython is one of the most mature JVM languages that is available on the...
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by Dmitry Boychev || January 12th, 2015 Why Java? Hundreds of reasons can be found with a single google search, but we all know Java language is not perfect, and so for every reason for Java, we can find an opposite. But the following two reasons are enough to convince anyone: leading development platform (brings business) and...
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by Jitesh Doshi || December 27th, 2014 The way we (should) architect web applications today (circa 2014) is very different from how we architected them only a couple of years back. Different people give it different names, but they mean the same thing (I think): SPA (Single Page App) - I don't like this name because it...
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by Dmitry Boychev || December 1st, 2014 In this article you will learn how to quickly get started with JPA. I will be using NetBeans and MySQL database to store data using JPA. If you have MySQL running, all you have to do is follow the steps below. First let’s create a database that we will be...
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by Christian Crawford || November 30th, 2014 Java Persistence API (JPA) abstracts the database interactions and treats them as objects rather than simply queries. Since these queries are now objects, the principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) can come into play including, encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism. Persistence in the java language is actually not a new concept...
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